Beit bil Jnoub

Beit Bl Jnoub (House in the South) for Relief and Development is a non-governmental organization established in Lebanon that provides humanitarian assistance and development initiatives in response to crisis and in the aftermath of disasters. The organization was formed post 2006 July War on Lebanon, in an effort to aid in the reconstruction and recovery of the destroyed villages and homes in South Lebanon, where over 12,000 housing units were completely razed to the ground. At the time, BBJ partnered with local municipalities to establish regional technical offices that would lead on reconstruction, profile villages, and deliver basic urban services. It was able to forge a strong and impactful presence in the area, building trust with local communities and stakeholders in addressing the most basic and pressing needs.

Since 2014, BBJ has been the longstanding partner of Association S4L i.e.  Swiss4Lebanon, a Swiss NGO with the mission to provide humanitarian assistance and recovery to underprivileged people living in Lebanon. With the generous support of S4L and the united vision to offer impactful interventions and services to those most in need, BBJ and S4L together are implementing the following projects.

-  Masar Community Center for vulnerable Children
- S4L   Project for Children with Special Learning Difficulties 
- S4L  Tamina4Education
- S4L  Food4Life 
- S4L  Help4Beirut